Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

This month mission : SAVING MY MONEY...!!

arggh~dua bulan ini merupakan bulan yang penuh cobaan...!!
kenapa...?? karena di dua bulan ini banyak barang2 bagus, langka, and murah meriah yangg berceceran di web...!!
sehingga menggoda iman untuk membelinya tanpa pkir panjang...jujur saja, saya orangnya pemboros & kalau beli barang jarang memikirkan kegunaan jangka panjang nya dari barang tersebut..apakah berguna atau tidak berguna...

For example, i buy an anime figure just for my hobby and to satisfied my desire to buy that thing, and i didn't think about the function of that thing for the future except for hobbies and i don't care...and i will be happy to spend my money just to buy that, other than to buy shirt, shoes, etc...

and you know, for now i want to buy gunbag to hide my airsoft, vest, and anime T-Shirt. i want to buy that but in the other side i want to save my money for the other thing...it's a hard choice, but the strong one that hard to defeat is will...
if there's a willing, and there will be a way..and i believe that for now...
huff~i know that this is hard, hold for something that you like...

But, there is no harm in trying...

note : maaf kalau2 bahasa nya kacau, Arigato gozaimasu...

2 komentar:

  1. ah,masalah yang sama sama gue -_-

    if there is a will to buy something,make sure you have enough guts to steal someone's bag :p

    ntar juga tiba" ada duit don,percaya sama gue

    dulu ngedeal beli sepatu posisi gak mikir mau gimana mbayarnya,padahal lagi gak punya duit,eh,pas harus mbayar tiba" nyokap ngasih duit :D

    itu padahal gue gak minta -_-

  2. ahaah~tpi duitku dah pas2an e ki', tu ja jg dah da pemberian dr bokap..bs dibilang boros..heheheh~... -w-
